Civil disputes, civil and arbitration proceedings

FK Law Firm has extensive experience in representing Clients in civil disputes between entrepreneurs and banks.
In particular, our team of lawyers has conducted negotiations on behalf of Clients linked with restructuring of a debt running into tens of millions of PLN that arose as a result of concluding unfavourable fixed-term contracts.

FK Law Firm represents Clients in the following proceedings:
- judicial: civil and business in courts of all instances up to the Supreme Court, including mediation proceedings;
- enforcement;
- claims;
- bankruptcy and restructuring;
settlement and arbitration (commercial and trade arbitration).

FK Law Firm lawyers – in looking after the best interests of Clients – in each case individually analyse the possibility of reaching an amicable settlement of a conflict between parties, both at the stage prior to initiation of proceedings and also in the course of proceedings.

FK Law Firm lawyers have experience in practising alternative methods of settling disputes and conflicts – such as negotiations, arbitration and mediation.

Administrative proceedings, including tax and audit

FK Law Firm has extensive experience in representing Clients at every stage of proceedings:

- administrative proceedings – both before government and local government administrative bodies;

- before the Financial Supervisory Commission, in particular representing issuers and other capital market entities in matters relating to fulfilment of duties imposed on them,

- judicial-administrative proceedings: before Provincial Administrative Courts and the Supreme Administrative Court;

- tax and audit proceedings before Tax Offices and Customs Offices, Offices of Fiscal Control, Treasury Chambers and Customs Chambers,

- before the National Labour Inspectorate,

By participating in every procedural activity linked with administrative proceedings that are in progress, FK lawyers supervise the course of proceedings and recommend appropriate action to the Client.

Competition and antitrust law

Legal assistance provided in the field of competition law and antitrust law focuses on imparting consultations and legal advice and legal assessment of probable future conditions from the point of view of compliance with binding regulations and principles of fair competition, thereby eliminating the risk of violating them.

We provide a comprehensive legal service for businesses in the field of antitrust law.

We prepare documentation and represent Clients of FK Law Firm in proceedings before the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, in particular in the field of business concentration.

We advise on the statutory ban on restrictive business practices, monopolistic practices and business concentration. We have experience in giving legal recommendations and drawing up contracts with the elimination of illegal contractual clauses.

We represent entrepreneurs in investigating unfair competition claims.

We have experience in advising and legally representing Clients of FK Law Firm in cases related to acts of unfair competition such as the following:
- imitation of products,
- misleading use of trade marks, trade names, other distinguishing marks of goods or services,
- protection of business secrets,
- misleading company naming/marking,
- obstruction of access to market,
- unfair advantage of the reputation of a trade mark, trade name, company’s name or other distinguishing marks,
- dissemination of false or misleading information.

Industrial property law

Legal assistance in the field of industrial property encompasses advice in matters related to acquiring, maintaining and administering exclusive rights (trademarks, product designs, industrial designs, and intellectual property patents).

We advise on the registration and protection of local and international trade marks and industrial designs.

We prepare draft contracts and agreements in the field of trading industrial property rights (purchase, sale, licenses and infringements).

We have experience in legal representation of FK Law Firm Clients in cases linked with protection of industrial property before Polish common courts of law, including The Court of Community Trade Marks and Industrial Designs – the Regional Court in Warsaw. FK lawyers have experience in representing Polish entrepreneurs before the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) in Alicante and also the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in Geneva.

We collaborate with patent attorneys.

Copyright and related rights

Legal assistance in the field of copyright law encompasses legal advice to entrepreneurs in regard to protection of their works, including:
- legal assessment of probable future conditions,
- risk analysis,
- drafting contracts and agreements,
- identifying and preventing situations of copyright infringement.

FK Law Firm provides legal assistance to Clients in the event of an infringement of their copyright. We have experience in drafting and giving legal opinions on documents concerning transfer of intellectual property rights and also agreements on making use of copyrighted material (licenses), including the creation of framework agreements.

Transportation law

We provide consulting services for companies doing business in the field of international transport and freight forwarding.
We prepare comprehensive legal solutions and give legal opinions on planned solutions in particular matters linked with conducting business in the field of transport and freight forwarding.
We have experience in drafting and giving legal opinions on solutions linked with organisation and management of drivers’ work time.

Corporate decision making

FK lawyers provide long-term, continuous legal services for companies, taking part in making business decisions as the need arises at all levels of a given organisation.

We support supervisory bodies of public and private limited (incorporated) companies in the design of the regulatory framework for the work and remuneration of top managers.

We work with Executive Boards of companies in taking restructuring decisions, without focusing exclusively on legal aspects of a given process. Furthermore, we participate in investment decisions and projects, trying to conduct them in such a way that the aim of the given project – including the tax aim – can be fulfilled.

We represent groups of shareholders at general meetings, trying to follow instructions in accordance with the best interests of our Client.

Corporate consulting also includes ongoing telephone and email support and periodic consultation visits by our lawyers at the offices of our Clients.

We represent our Clients before administrative organs and in legal proceedings in the discussed area.

In this area of specialisation, we have won the trust of more than a dozen entities, for whom we provide continuous ongoing support for their business activities. These entities include both listed companies and private limited companies.

Commercial contracts

Commercial contracts for our Clients are always concluded in close cooperation with specialists in the given sector – in such a way that the legal framework of the contract is as broad as possible.
We realise that it is only by making use of specialized experience that we are able to provide a product that safeguards the interests of our Clients. In this area, we also make use of our own experiences and knowledge of the sector.

We make every effort to ensure that every contract designed by us is tax optimized. We have experience in drawing up contracts in the following areas: construction, property development, purchase of line production technologies and facilities and their start-up, sales, marketing, contracts whose subjects are whole enterprises or their parts, and many other types of contracts, which we have prepared in the course of our work up till now.

When advising in this area, we also participate in the process of raising capital. We consider that contracts are drawn up solely for “bad times”, which is why we try to foresee solutions for situations in which the parties hold divergent positions.

Capital market

Capital transactions are one of the main areas of activity of the law firm. Our lawyers have carried out successful mergers and acquisitions of limited (incorporated) companies, representing both purchasing and selling entities. In this area, we enjoy the trust of Executive Boards of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange S.A., as well as private limited companies.
Recently completed projects include:
- preparing transaction documents concerning the sale of a company in the telecommunications sector,

- merging of entities from a group of companies operating in the telecommunications sector,

- comprehensive legal assistance in more than a dozen acquisitions of entities or share packets - from investigation of due diligence, through negotiations in the field of investment agreements, up to the final sale agreement,

- formation of an investment fund followed by acquisition of an investment portfolio worth more than 200 mln PLN,

- privatizational acquisition from the Treasury of wood industry company shares,

- carrying out more than a dozen bond issues for entities listed on the regulated market and non-public entities,

- carrying out several emissions of subscription warrants for entities listed on the Stock Exchange.

We are currently preparing two entities to release their shares for public trading and implementing one project of withdrawing shares of a company from the regulated market.

Legal-tax audits

FK Law Firm lawyers have experience in comprehensively studying the legal status of economic entities, whose assets next become the subject of transactions.
We endeavour to ensure that each new entity for which we are beginning to provide comprehensive legal services has been studied in all sensitive areas of its activities.

All our Clients’ economic plans are preceded by a study of tax effects and are implemented with application of optimal tax solutions, taking into account legal regulations of countries with a tax system that is more liberal for entrepreneurs.

We cooperate with an eminent company of expert auditors when carrying out audits.

The Law Firm is the author of over a dozen due diligence reports, whose findings and suggestions have constituted the basis for undertaking restructuring or have been a basic source of knowledge when taking investment decisions.

Labour law

FK Law Firm lawyers provide legal advice in the area of individual and collective labour law.

Our Client List includes entities whose business activities encompass manufacturing and trading, employing several hundred people.

We participate regularly in employment restructuring and labour cost optimisation projects.

We represent our Clients in negotiations with trades unions in the field of collective agreements during their introduction, amendment, and termination. We advise both Supervisory Boards and managers when concluding contracts.

FK Law Firm lawyers provide legal assistance as representatives of our Clients both in judicial and administrative proceedings relating to labour law in the broadest sense of the term. We have experience in organising and running corporate training in the field of labour law.

Investments in real estate and the construction sector

FK Law Firm’s experience in legal services for investments in real estate encompasses several dozen transactions whose total worth amounts to several hundred million PLN. In this field we have qualifications in auditing the legal status of transactions and solving ownership problems.

Our Clients are both domestic and foreign entities whose business is real estate investing. We enjoy the confidence of the Executive Board of a listed company whose investment portfolio in this area is worth several hundred million PLN.

We provide ongoing legal services to our Clients concerning construction processes. Our Client List includes property developers whose reputation is a source of great satisfaction.
We participate in the whole preparatory cycle for realisation of construction investments, obtaining necessary administrative decisions (WZ and PnB), organising tenders for construction work and negotiating and concluding project contracts and building work contracts.

Furthermore, FK lawyers provide long-term advisory services to entities involved in the administration and management of real estate, including commercial property.